Success in Translation in 4 Steps

A good translation in the localization process is crucial for the success of a product, service, or content internationally.

We will explore how a translator, through 4 crucial steps, can infuse their translation with the full meaning, making it faithful to the values and ideas the author intended to convey.

Understanding the Content

Understanding the content of a source text before proceeding with translation is a fundamental step that requires special attention. This goes beyond a simple analysis of words and includes a thorough exploration of the overall meaning, the author’s intentions, and subtle nuances present in the text.

Understanding the content of the text before translation is fundamental; it requires an understanding of the overall meaning and intentions the author wanted to convey.

The translator must go beyond the literal translation of words by understanding the subtleties of the source language. This involves familiarizing oneself with the subject matter and accurately targeting the audience for the text.

Target Culture

Languages are an integral part of a country’s culture. Optimized translation is not just a transposition from one language to another but also a cultural adaptation. This entails an understanding of typical expressions in a country, as well as multiple cultural references.

Expressions can vary significantly from one language to another, and a literal translation might rob them of their meaning. The translator has the choice to either translate such expressions to give them meaning or choose an equivalent expression in the target language to maintain the fluidity of the text.

Cultural references in the original text may also require adaptation. Some elements may be understandable to readers from another culture, but sometimes an equivalent must be found for the target culture.

Manual or Automated Translation

Each translation technique has its disadvantages and advantages.

Firstly, manual translation preserves authenticity in the text by better understanding cultural nuances and adapting to the context of the original text. The author’s writing style can also be better respected to maintain the fluidity of the original text.

Automated translation is faster; unfortunately, the message may not be well translated in terms of culture and may lose its meaning. The economic advantage is also notable, as automated translations are often less expensive and accessible to smaller budgets. This method is also more efficient for texts with a high word count to avoid significant time loss.

The choice of translation method depends on the context, nature of the text, time, and budget. A combination of both approaches, known as machine translation with human revision, allows for a quick delivery while also respecting cultural standards through human intervention.

Keeping Up with Linguistic Evolutions

Staying informed about linguistic evolutions is crucial for a translator aiming to ensure the relevance and modernity of their translations. Languages, like societies, evolve over time, introducing new terms and expressions.

Slang and expressions are constantly evolving elements in every language. Their meanings can change, and new expressions may emerge. Staying current is vital for texts targeting an audience that is up to date with these new ways of expression.

Technological advances often drive these language evolutions, with each innovation bringing its terms and acronyms that lead to a noticeable evolution in the number of related expressions.

In conclusion, successful translation involves a multi-step process, each playing a role in preserving the message of the original content. Deep understanding of the content, combined with extensive cultural understanding, helps achieve quality translation. The translator must go beyond words to grasp the nuances and intentions of the author while adapting the text to the target culture.

The choice between manual and automated translation depends on the context. A hybrid approach, combining machine translation with human review, can offer the best of both worlds in terms of efficiency and adherence to cultural standards.

Literal translations should be avoided as they may lose the sense and fluidity of the original text. Lastly, staying informed about linguistic evolutions is essential to ensure modern and culturally adapted translations in a world where languages are constantly changing.

If you wish to have your website translated by a team of professionals composed of multicultural members, feel free to contact us!
