Understanding HrefLang on Multilingual Websites

The term “HrefLang” refers to an HTML attribute that signals to search engines when there are alternative versions of a page designed for a different regional audience or language. It can be implemented in various ways, but the most common method is through a simple meta tag placed on any page that has alternate versions. This allows search engines to better understand the structure of multi-language websites and serve the appropriate language version of a page to users based on their location and language preferences.

What is HrefLang?

HrefLang is an HTML attribute used to specify the language and geographical targeting of a webpage. When a website contains content in multiple languages or is targeted at different regions, HrefLang helps search engines understand which version of a page is most appropriate for a user based on their language and region. This not only improves the user experience by delivering content in a language they understand but also boosts the site’s SEO by preventing duplicate content issues across different language versions.

Why Does HrefLang Matter?

In the absence of HrefLang tags, search engines might struggle to identify the right version of content for a given audience, potentially leading to a non-ideal version being displayed in search results. This can frustrate users and reduce the effectiveness of your website in engaging with a global audience. Moreover, without proper language or regional targeting, websites risk being penalized for duplicate content, as search engines might not realize that the pages are intended for different audiences.

SEO and User Experience

Implementing HrefLang tags can significantly enhance your website’s SEO performance and user experience. For SEO, it helps ensure that the correct version of a page is indexed and presented to users in search results, enhancing the relevance of your site to its intended audience. From a user experience perspective, visitors are more likely to stay on a website and engage with its content if it’s presented in their preferred language and format.

Implementing HrefLang

Implementing HrefLang tags can be done in three main ways, each suitable for different scenarios:

  1. HTML hreflang declarations in the page <head> Just like canonical tags, hreflang tags are formatted as follows: Untitled
  2. Hreflang declarations in the page’s HTTP headers This method is particularly useful if your page is a file in a format other than HTML, such as an image or a PDF. These declarations look like this: Untitled
  3. Hreflang declarations in the sitemaps

By declaring hreflang references in sitemaps, you can keep all your references in one place. However, this also means that you must keep your sitemaps updated when you add translations or localizations.

Sitemap declarations add an xhtml:link tag and its properties to the list for each page with hreflang translations:


Best Practices and Considerations

  • Accuracy: Ensure the accuracy of language and regional codes, as incorrect codes can lead to misinterpretation by search engines.
  • Consistency: Each version of a page should contain reciprocal hreflang tags, including a self-referential tag, to establish a clear relationship between the different language and regional versions.
  • Updates: Regularly review and update hreflang annotations to reflect changes in content and structure, ensuring ongoing accuracy.


The HrefLang attribute is a powerful tool in the arsenal of webmasters and SEO specialists looking to optimize multilingual and international websites. Proper implementation and management of hreflang tags can significantly enhance a website’s visibility and usability across different regions, making it an indispensable element of global SEO strategies. By understanding and applying hreflang correctly, websites can provide a more inclusive and user-friendly experience, catering to the diverse needs of a global audience.

At GBC, we help companies expand to foreign markets through marketing strategy, content creation and localisation.
